Saturday 7 December 2013

No Hunting in NPs - Bega Rally

A very pleasing number of our walkers showed up at Bega for today's rally to protest the O'Farrell government's plan to allow hunting in our National Parks.  Well over 200 people from various organisations (3 from the NSW Game Authority apparently!) were there in support of the state-wide protests about the introduction of hunting in NPs.

Click on the photo for the ABC's report on today's rally.

There are numerous links to relevant sites for those of you who wish to investigate them (just google "hunting in NSW national parks" for a collection of links.  I would recommend the National Parks Association of NSW for a full coverage.

This article from the South East ABC's news site makes for worrying reading as at least one of our walks scheduled for later in the year is in the South East Forst NP.

About half of the Bega Valley Bushwalkers who attended today's rally.